Sunday, 11 March 2012

The SOPAid (so-pah-eye-eed)

I also do Poetry for Creative Writing, and one of the assignments was to write a satirical epic. I can't remember if there was a word limit, but that's never really bothered me. This is about the struggle against SOPA.

H+ (a short story)

My first assignment for Fictional Writing, got solid marks, reposted here for your entertainment. A speculative fiction piece about the increasing role technology plays in our world. Enjoy.

(Image not mine. Actually I'm not sure who did make it.)


I can't remember precisely how many blogs I'm on now. Probably fourth or fifth at best guess, but I have a legitimate reason for this one. The last Blogspot I created was created with an email address I no longer use, and posting there meant signing out from Gmail over and over again. It got boring, as you can imagine, so I've decided to start afresh. Again. I've made that promise more than the cretins who post "This year was soooooo shit, roll on 20XX this is my year!" every December 31st without fail.

Anyway. About me. I'm a student at the University of Winchester, located in the South West of England, studying Creative Writing and Film Studies, though I'll be dropping the latter next year. Bit disappointing, since I'm a massive cinephile, and have been a film geek since I was 11, but I wanted to do more Creative Writing, and frankly one of my Film lecturers scares me. I'd like to be a professional writer, but I'm also looking into becoming a copy-editor. There are millions who want to be writers, and those millions will need editors and guides.

I've entertained the possibility of writing for comics. Most of the money I spend on iTunes is buying comics digitally and while the industry could do with some severe tightening up, the medium itself will always endure. If you've considered getting into comics but are wary of the whole superhero thing or the decades of convoluted backstory (and frankly I don't blame you), I recommend comics published by Vertigo, Image and Icon Comics. These are creator-owned companies, where the stories are limited only by the imagination of the writers and artists. For more specific recommendations, you can't go wrong with The Sandman, Fables, American Vampire, Transmetropolitan, Y: The Last Man, Scalped, Godland and The Walking Dead (yes, as in the TV show! It's based on the comics), to name but a few.

Favourite writers? From the world of novels: Neil Gaiman, Kim Newman, Michael Chabon, Douglas Adams, George R. R. Martin, Kurt Vonnegut and Terry Pratchett. From comics: Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore (natch), Grant Morrison, Scott Snyder, Jeff Lemire, Gail Simone, Naoki Urasawa, Mark Waid, Jonathan Hickman, Brian Azzarello, Greg Rucka.

Just a few.

David Bowie is probably my favourite musician of all time, to the point where m'colleague in Creative Writing says I have a little Bowie in my head. She's not that far off, truth be told, and it's through him I've started to broaden my tastes in music. Recently I've been listening to Scott Walker, a former teen idol who became a sort of Left Bank-style Frank Sinatra and later an avant-garde composer. I grew up during the glory days of Britpop, so I prefer his 60's stuff; it sounds like actual music, for one thing. Not to dismiss his modern material, it's just not for me.

I don't really blog in the traditional sense - that is, using this as a public diary. I prefer to think of this as an online notebook, and expect less posts about me complaining about my day because Waterstone's didn't have the book I wanted, and more reviews, short stories, poems, memoirs, and anything else I have to do for my degree. Feel free to comment on these, I do appreciate constructive criticism. As a writer, I thrive off it.